Welcome To Indie Christian
Above the rest
Indie Christian stays “above the rest” by offering premium music marketing for both labels & musicians. Our methods are inspired by Andrew Southworth (CEO of Genera Studios), John Gold (CEO of Hypeddit), and Jon Anderson (CEO of TwoStoryMedia). Instead of offering temporary results like most other established music marketing agencies, we organically introduce YOUR music to YOUR fans. By staying up-to-date in everything that META and FB Ads has to offer, we utilize every last detail to your advantage.
What we Do
"In the vast ocean of social media, where countless voices promise the world, it's rare to find someone who actually delivers. Kolbe (with Indie Christian) is the real deal. If Kolbe tells you there's a storm brewing on the mountain, you better bring your umbrella because the flood results are on the way."
Kolbe is an intentional Christian artist that spent at least an hour of time on the phone with me to see what my goals and vision were for my music. He created two different campaigns for two of my songs. Before Indie Christian I had about 50 streams per song. After their help I've started to achieve over 1,000 streams with a boost in Instagram followers as well. I appreciated his work so much that I continue to refer him to other artists.
"I highly recommend working with Indie Christian! The process of setting up a campaign for my music was incredibly easy. From begging to end, everything was taken care of, and I've seen amazing results! Through this campaign, we've achieved targeted results, triggering my music in the algorithm and increasing streams. It has helped me get radio plays on Spotify and connect my music with a similar artists through their Facebook ads, which target real people. I'm very thankful for the work Kolbe has done and the glory it brings to the Kingdom."
Shout out to Indie Christian for helping get my music up and going quicker than ever!
"God bless this company, if you're an independent artist looking to grow your fanbase, say no more...increased my Spotify followers, Instagram followers, song streams, playlist adds and connected me with similar artists."